Tools for UNITY developers


[ Core - Windows ]

To browse through Unity built-in Editor icons you can use "Window > Smart > Built-in Icons".
You can search by text, filter by maximum and minimum (both image dimensions are taking into consideration).

By clicking on icon you will get it`s full path into clipboard.
If you do Ctrl+Click, it will be saved in native size to file "C:\UnityBuiltInIcon.png"
If you do Ctrl+Shift+Click, it will be saved to file "C:\UnityBuiltInIcon.png" from 16x16 mip-level (some unity icons have different content for different mip-levels).

Another useful tool could be found in "Window > Smart > Dependencies". It will show all dependant objects for given GameObject or AssetObject (like scene or texture). Just drop target to the Dependencies Source field.

Press Alt+X or in main menu "Edit > Smart > Scenes Dialog" to see all scenes in your project folders. If scene is included into project build list it will be highlighted with blue color .