[ Core - Hierarchy Extension ]
Functionality of default Hierarchy view were modified a lot, to make it much more visual representative. First of all developers during work on some complex scenes need all time to enable/disable something. This checkboxes (see image below) will allow you to do this much quicker than you usually do from Inspector window - just try that feature to disable 4-5 objects and you will understand why it`s so convenient.
As far as we added overlays icons for all game objects you can`t see anymore that drop down arrows, to be hones they were not much informative. You still able to click on icons where was that drop down arrows to toggle item child visibility, so behavior is not changed. It is convenient to see if some object have child, when it`s collapsed. That`s why we`ve added this numbers in the right side for each object. They are also useful when you toggle right-side checkboxes to understand than you hiding not only this object but all his sub-objects as well.
And the major feature - Icon Overlays! This extension scan each game object to understand what components it has. Than it sort this components by priority (e.g. Camera component is much significant than Audio Source). In that way extension defines "main" component of each game object and use it`s icon for Hierarchy view. By default it can recognize all key components of Unity like Lights, Audio, Terrains, Trees, uGUI etc.
How to create custom icons in your hierarchy? Easy! Select script you want to have some custom icon (1), in inspector (2) select one of predefined icons or any custom from “Other” menu. After that Unity will refresh it`s cache and in a few seconds you will see your icon in hierarchy (3) with all objects, that has this script attached. You can also use free package with huge FatCow icons collection.