Tools for UNITY developers


[ Core - Transform Extension ]

You will get three new buttons to reset object transformation (Position, Rotation, Scale). Default values are zeros for position and rotation and ones for scale. Also you can undo such actions by Control + Z.

NOTE: When your object transform settings are default, these buttons becomes brighter to indicate that.

Another nice feature of the transform window is "Create BB" button (BB means Bounding Box). It allows you to calculate real size of your object and create green cube to represent BB - to calculate that it use mesh data of selected object and all it`s child. "CL" option mean "by Collider" - in this case it will calculate bounding box by colliders data of current object and all it`s child. Generally this can be useful for:
* Quick size measurements (size of BB object will be in Scale fields).
* Quick fill area with volumetric effects (after you get this cube you can use it as emitter or container).
* Resize object to some exact size (e.g. you need to fit some imported model to exact size: create BB for it, drag/re-parent model as child of that BB - now you can adjust scale of this BB to exact values and this will also adjust scale of your model).

And the coolest feature is Smart Align. If you need to align one object exactly to another, this toolkit has great solution. Select first object, that needs to be aligned, then Control + Select (or Shift + Select) the target object and click "Smart Align" button. Your first object will immediately move to the second, using their BBs (you don`t need to create real BBs - tool will calculate all that automatically). If their bounding boxes are overlapped when you click "Smart Align" button, tool will align their pivot points in exact location instead of align objects. If you want - you can disable some of the axis before click "Smart Align" button - and align will not change its values. Also, you if you check the CL checkbox, "Smart Align" will use colliders instead of mesh data to calculate BBs.

NOTE: When aligning overlapping objects Smart Align takes decisions about align by pivots of BBs for each axis (X, Y, Z) independently.